Summer Event 2024

It's summertime in Confibula! (At least in one of its hemispheres.) To celebrate, phonies and palindromes from all around have gathered in the grasslands. There's plenty to do, from games to shops and new stuff to try out, and new folks to meet!

This event runs from August 15 to September 30 2024.

Link to journal page

New Breeds + Genes

Tenebris Phonies

Hailing from a faraway island, meet the Tenebris breed (T. katharsis ssp. tenebris)! These phonies are very large and come with excessively long arms. They all have the Raywings trait (Rw) built into them. Their stats are:

  • PER: 7
  • STR: 5
  • CHA: 4
  • SPE: 5

Going forward, the first palindrome of a new breed must be created without the use of incredibly specific dishes. You'll have to breed for it the old-fashioned way!

This is because we encourage y'all to draft up fun and challenging breeding projects (and to buy me more time to design the palindrome variants of each breed lol) to work on as opposed to using items to instantly get it. After the first geno of a new breed's palindrome is created, you can then make them with dishes like usual.


Next up, we have a new gene! Meet Prismatic (pr), a recessive pigment mutation that causes a single midlayer marking to turn any rainbow gradient. Similar to abundism! It causes no stat changes.

Prismatic phonies may use any kind of colorful gradient for the marking. It can be a bright rainbow, a dull rainbow, a pastel rainbow, a dark rainbow, a cold rainbow, a warm rainbow, anything as long as it uses over 3 colors!


Next is Nebulous (Ds + St), a combo marking-turned-pigment-mutation that causes any single marking (with the exception of stars) to turn any two-toned gradient with a white flecked mask. Think of it as applying stars and diffuse onto a single marking! It causes no stat changes.

Nebulous phonies may use any kind of two-toned gradient, even if it's outside of the phony's color bank. (They should still adhere to the phony's pigment mutation, though. So an axanthic nebulous phony doesn't have to exclusively use their four colors, but they do have to exclusively use axanthic colors.)


Next is Roan (Rn), an incompletely dominant pigment mutation that gives a phony a white overlay on top of every marking, that fades out at the extremities. It can also have holes in it.

This mutation is different depending on its zygousness. Heterozygous roan (Rn, left) causes no stat changes, and must not extend into the face, nor should it touch the feet.

Meanwhile, homozygous roan (RN, right) gives the phony a single starting breeding slot, a -2 PER debuff and very light blue/purple/pink/red eyes with only slightly darker pupils. The white mask extends further down the legs and into the face.

Roaned phonies can use the leucistic or albinistic palettes for the white mask.


Then we have Pointed (pn), another recessive pigment mutation that gives a phony dark gradients on their extremities. It causes no stat changes. These gradients apply to the base, bottom and middle layers. Top layer markings are not affected.

Pointed phonies use the next darkest available version of their base color for the points. For dilute phonies this will be the "normal" base, for normal phonies this will be the concentrated base, and for concentrated phonies this will be anything from the melanistic palette. For albinistic, leucistic and melanistic phonies, they will use any color from their respective mutation's palette as long as it's visibly darker than the rest of the body.


Next is Inkblot (ib), another recessive pigment mutation that adds irregular hard-edged patches on top of all markings just like piebaldism, but with the melanistic palette instead. It causes no stat changes.

Broken Trail

Next is Broken Trail (Bt), finally something that isn't a pigment mutation! This marking adds lines to your phony in a similarly freeform fashion to Free Line. They can go in any direction as long as the lines don't touch. The broken part of Broken Trail is that the lines must be broken in some way. They don't have to be broken up the whole way through, but they need to have holes in them.

Bat Wings

Introducing a new combo trait: Bat Wings (Sk + Rw + dl)! This combo trait can be made using spikes, raywings and Double Limb. It gives your phony cool, albeit vestigial, membraney wings.

Read more about combo traits here.

The Shopkeeper's Exclusive Summertime Wares

The shopkeeper is here to sell some exclusive wares from the very back of his ship's stock!

  • The Chromatophore Kit (50 Pebbles) is a nifty doohickey filled with color cells! Add it to a geno and it'll pick up an extra random unpassable color.
  • The Editor Vial (50 Pebbles) lets you make edits to an existing import as if it were a genotype!

Purchase here

Egg Dealer

Blenny the egg dealer is here to sell exclusive eggs! You can buy eggs from any biome, or get a very special GMO egg.

Purchase here

The prices for regular eggs are x30 Pebbles plus x1 bones and an additional item depending on the egg you want.

  • Ice Sheet Egg: x1 Meteor
  • Saltpan Egg: x1 Chunk of Salt
  • Tundra Egg: x1 Pile of Ash
  • Cordillera Egg: x1 Pile of Dirt
  • Grassland Egg: x1 Grassland Plant
  • Wetland Egg: x1 Wetland Plant
  • Chaparral Egg: x1 Chaparral Plant
  • Taiga Egg: x1 Flaky Stone
  • Woodland Egg: x1 Deep Red Stone
  • Rainforest Egg: x1 Layered Stone
  • Shallow Waters Egg: x1 Nacreous Debris
  • Polar Ocean Egg: x1 Coral Skeleton
  • Deep Ocean Egg: x1 Sparkly Ore
  • Brine Egg: x1 Weird Goop

The GMO Egg can be exchanged for x15 of any egg and x1 pipette. The GMO Egg will allow you to completely customize your genotype. Head to item usages to request your custom geno once you get it! The one restriction is that GMO eggs can't make tenebris palindromes. (At least not until somebody breeds one!)

Mr Stripes' Off-Season Sales Rep

"ghhhhhhh.... ggghhhhhnnnnnnn..... hhhhhhhh..... gggghhhhhhhhh...." (These piles of even weirder goop are 30 pebbles each... They will give a genotype the unique eye trait...)

Purchase here

Fight Buddies!

And yes, we've got new buddies too! Frosted Glass is a phony from a distant land who has arrived at the grasslands to share some interesting new buddies with everyone! These are called Fight Buddies and they'll give two extra rolls to any strength encounter, giving you the best chance of winning. They can only use colors from the iridistic palettes.

If you encounter Frosted Glass in the wild, be wary, as they've got buddies by their side to fight with! However if you can manage to best them in combat, the reward is 50 pebbles instead of the usual 30!

This buddy can be obtained the same way as any other buddy!

Skill Contests

"Come one, come all, to the summer games! Each year we gather here on the plains to determine phonies of excellence in a particular skill. Do you think you're up to the task?"

This is a 3-part prompt "quest" with a reward at the end! You can play it as many times as you wish. Phonies can enter contests for Perception, Strength, Charisma or Speed.

Illustrations must be fullbody & colored/toned with a background, and meeting whatever requirements are included in each prompt. You may use these art pieces to forage with, but nothing else.

#1: Come Join The Fun! Draw your phony arriving at the games. Did they come here with a friend? What do they think of the idea of contests? How do they react to meeting the host? Showstopper, the spunky event host, must be included in this prompt.

#2: Time To Train! Your phony has decided to join in on the contest! But they need to get prepared for it. What do they do to train? Is your phony preparing for the strength contest and sparring with others? Are they practicing their dance skills for a charisma contest? Doing runs for a speed contest? Puzzles for a perception contest? Your phony must be doing something related to the stat you've picked in this prompt.

#3: Do You Have What It Takes? It's time to compete! How does your phony do? This prompt requires you to draw your phony competing in their skill against another phony. This could be one of yours, someone else's, or an NPC.

Once you've completed the prompts, submit them here! Then, your entry will be rolled like an encounter, with a number being drawn and then added to by the amount of stat points that phony has. The number you get at the end will determine the rewards for the quest!

  • 0-9: 15 Pebbles
  • 10-19: 30 Pebbles, x1 Living Snowflake
  • 20+: 75 Pebbles, x1 Living Snowflake, 1 random event item (Chromatophore Kit, Editor Vial or Eye Goop)

The Search For The Chimera Flower

This is another prompt quest! Should you succeed, you'll find yourself with a chimera flower, a unique and rare strain of plant which looks like grass normally, but can become carnivorous under the right conditions. If you put two eggs in front of it, it'll try to digest them, and combine them into one! Just make sure you take the egg back from it before it fully digests it.

Illustrations must be fullbody & colored/toned with a background, and meeting whatever requirements are included in each prompt. You may use these art pieces to forage with, but nothing else. Not all prompts involve an illustration, though! For prompts that require submitting a link of an encounter or something similar, you can use an existing roll, or submit a new one to get the results needed.

#1 - Art: What Flower? What do you mean, there's a flower out there that can combine two eggs into one? For this prompt, draw your phony meeting Showstopper and inquiring about the flower. Or maybe she just went up to your phony and started talking about it unprompted. Are they skeptical about it? Are they determined to take on the quest?

#2 - Art: Assemble a Team! Such an elusive flower would certainly require some helping hands to find! For this prompt, draw your phony with a team of phonies willing to help out. Be sure to link their masterlists in this prompt too! Your party can consist of at least two phonies including your own. (Keep in mind that the more phonies you include, the better chances you have of being able to complete the prompts, but the more phonies you'll have to draw for each one!)

#3 - Art: Now, Where Could it Be? The flower is rumored to be more common in nutrient poor, shadier areas of the grasslands. That must mean they like to grow along the edges of forests! Draw the team taking a look at the edge of a forest for flowers.

#4 - Link: What Do You Know That We Don't? The team runs into Stardust, who allegedly knows where the plants grow! Is there some way to get answers out of them? Is anyone here familiar with them? For this prompt, link a successful encounter of any type that a member of the group has done with Stardust.

#5 - Art or Link: Bargaining Time For this prompt, draw your phonies trying to get answers out of Stardust. You can also replace the drawing for the prompt by linking a member of the team with a buddy's ML, and appeal to Stardust's love of animals instead!

#6 - Link: The Answer Stardust explains that the flowers grow in sparkly places. That must mean they need some sparkly, expensive nutrients to grow, right? For this prompt, you'll need to link a forage done by any phony in the group that earned x1 Sparkly Ore.

#7 - Art or Link: Territorial Much? So now, we just need to find a flower! Your team has made it to a sparkly cliff on the edge of the woods, the perfect spot for the plant to grow! Just one problem, it's being guarded by Loreto! For this prompt, either draw your phonies sneaking to avoid Loreto, or link a successful encounter anyone in the party has done with him.

#8 - Art: There It Is! After avoiding, beating the crap out of, or appealing to Loreto, your team has finally found a chimera flower! Rejoice! How do your phonies react? For this prompt, draw your phonies discovering the flower.

Once you've completed the prompts, submit them here! You can only complete this quest once per user.

Gene Contest

One more thing! Grasshopper (definitely not Locust in a hat, who would even think that?) is hosting a gene contest!

For this challenge, design a new gene and tell us about it! First, download one of these templates:

And draw your new gene onto it. Then, fill out this form:

  • Username:
  • Image:
  • Gene name:
  • Gene type: (Marking, Trait, Pigment Mutation, Combo)
  • Zygousness:
    • Recessive - This means the gene only shows if it's homozygous. (E.g. Albinism - al)
    • Incompletely dominant - The gene can show if it's homozygous or heterozygous, but looks different depending on which one it is. (E.g. Melanism/Abundism - ML/Ml)
    • Dominant - This gene shows if it's homozygous or heterozygous and looks the same regardless of what type. (E.g. Blanket - Bk)
  • Description:

Once you've completed your marking, submit them here! You can do this as many times as you'd like.

This contest runs until September 25. After that, the entries will be subject to a player vote for the top five, and a mod vote for the places for each.

  • 1st Place: 100 Pebbles, x1 Living Snowflake, your gene becoming official (with credit, of course!) and x1 GMO Egg with two restrictions: Must include your new gene, and mustn't be a tenebris palindrome
  • Runners Up: 75 Pebbles, x1 Living Snowflake and x1 Egg of choice
  • Participation: 25 Pebbles and x1 Living Snowflake.