Adopt your very own buddy! Completing this activity will allow your phony to meet a new friend who will help you forage.
Send prompts/approvals here!
There are a few types of foraging buddies.

Foraging Buddy
A snakelike critter that inhabits woodlands, wetlands and ponds all over the world. It is very curious and likes to root around for items. It has a larger, deadlier relative native to the rainforests. They use the axanthic palette.
This is the classic foraging buddy. Including this buddy in a piece of foraging art will give your forage an extra roll. Injuries rolled for the "buddy roll" are nullified, and buffs/debuffs from the phony do not apply to it.

Pebble Buddy
A leggy creature from the mountains, rivers and tundras who loves to collect pebbles. It has a sticky hide and grippy hands that it uses to attach stones and bits of gravel to it. Provided that you befriend it first, it'll give you the pebbles it discovers that are too big for it to wear. They use the axanthic pigment mutation.
Including this buddy in a piece of foraging art will give your forage a random amount of pebbles in addition to whatever the forage earned.

Egg Buddy
Another snakey critter who inhabits reefs and shallow waters around the world. It loves to dig up and eat eggs, but if you manage to tame it, it'll give them to you instead! It comes in any xanthic shade, as opposed to other buddies who only come in axanthic.
Including this buddy in a piece of foraging art will give your forage a 1/3 chance of finding an egg from the forage's biome.

Fight Buddy
A critter that somewhat resembles earthly crabs, inhabiting shallow waters and coastlines. They're kind of like phonies in how they lose their radial symmetry, as well. They're rather aggressive, and use their huge claws to snap at anything that comes their way. It comes in any iridistic shade, as opposed to other buddies.
Including this buddy in a piece of foraging art will give your forage two extra rolls to try and save a failed strength encounter. The extra rolls use your phony's strength stat still.
Earthling Fight Buddies (i.e. crabs) are event-exclusive. They don't have to use the iridistic palette like normal fight buddies do. It's literally just a normal earth crab for your phony. You could also use a lobster, if you'd like, perhaps.

XP Buddy
This buddy hails from the tundras and ice sheet far north in the world, using its color-changing technique to blend in with the blue and red groundcover. They're partially clear, and the part which isn't is totally white. Their innards are dark blue, but they can change it to red at a whim. They use the albino color palette and don't have any other markings.
Including this buddy in a piece of foraging art will give the phony who owns it +5 EXP. This does not apply to phonies also in the image who don't own the buddy.

Charm Buddy
This buddy is from the dark depths of the sea, and its brightly glowing markings are quite interesting indeed. They make an excellent fashion statement, and are willing to help your phony reel in more suitors with their flashy glow! They use the melanism palette and don't have any markings aside from the tips of their glowing tendrils. They all also have globe eye in the same color as the glowing tendrils, which can be any bright color. (ergo, the colors of their eyes and tendrils must glow the same color).
Including this buddy in a piece of foraging art will lend its phony 2 extra charisma rolls to save a failed charisma encounter with. This buddy uses your phony's charisma status to reroll with, just like a fight buddy does.

Healing Buddy
This buddy is from the Cordillera region, and has a peculiar slimy coat which it uses as a defense from predators. Interestingly, their nasty slime coat makes a great topical medication for phonies! They use the aniridistic palette.
Including this buddy in a piece of foraging art will have a chance to heal any injuries their phony sustains instantaneously, saving you a trip to Marshall's field hospital.
So... how can you get one? You need to create some art! This activity is done in three stages, so you need to make three pieces of art. Each stage has its own prompt which your phony needs to follow.
Each prompt must meet these requirements:
- A uniquely drawn fullbody (Not reused, traced or on a base)
- Colored
- Featuring a background
- Featuring the buddy in each piece
The prompt art can be used with only one phony. If you want multiple phonies to get the buddy, they'll need to have their own set of prompts. You can use these pieces for foraging, though!
Prompt 1: A new discovery!
Your phony has discovered this strange animal! Where do they find it? How do they react?
Prompt 2: Let's be friends!
Your phony has decided to try and befriend the animal. What do they do to win it over?
Prompt 3: Off to forage together!
Your phony has managed to convince the critter to join them. Now it's time to explore the great outdoors with this new friend!
Now once you've gotten your buddy, what do you have to do? The buddy will show up on the masterlist, so you've got to draw it there!
The buddy acts like an accessory. It can be floating beside the phony, laid on top of it, on the ground, in the phony's mouth, whatever! There are some rules though:
- The buddy has to be small.
- The buddy has to have its coloration come from the pigment mutation that the buddy uses. Most buddies use axanthic but some use other ones. You can use the dilute or concentrated versions of the palettes as well!
- The buddy can have any kind of patterning, unless stated otherwise. (The XP buddies and Charm buddies do not allow other markings, for example.)
Once you've drawn your buddy, submit it to the "buddy approval" section of the journal and it'll be updated on the ML. After that, you'll be able to draw the buddy in foraging art!
Buddies can't transfer from phony to phony. You can only have one buddy unless your phony has a territory and has built a Buddy Pen.