Now your phonies can own real estate! Territories are a way for your phony to claim a plot in any of the in-game biomes and decorate it to their liking!

Journal Thread

How does one go about obtaining one of these plots? What are the benefits?

In order to get a territory, your phony must complete a set of prompts. Depending on the biome you want a territory in, there may or may not be a luck-based aspect, or it may be guaranteed that you succeed. If/when that happens, you'll be given a territory! This comes with:

  • Your phony's territory on the masterlist, free for you to decorate!
  • You unlock that biome's background to use on your phonies!
  • Foraging buffs!

Territory Prompt Rules

  • Your phony must be fullbody and colored in each prompt.
  • A detailed background in the biome of choice must be present.
  • You may found a territory with as many phonies as you'd like. They don't have to be schooled to found a territory together, but if you want multiple phonies in your territory to begin with you must include all members in each piece of art.
  • Appropriate NPCs must be present and also fullbody if required.

Free Range Territories

These territories are very obtainable. They come from biomes with plenty of open space and few risk factors, making them accessible to all phonies.

  • 3 prompts, and success is guaranteed
  • Buff is an additional unbuffed roll to each forage in the biome for each territory member.
  • Biomes include: Shallow Waters, Grassland, Saltpan, Ice Sheet

Free Range Prompts

  • #1: Scouting - Draw your phony scouting where they'd like to live! Have they decided which biome yet, or are they still undecided? Do they have anything they're looking for in a home? If so, what is it?
  • #2: Planning - Draw your phony planning out the specifics of their new home! Maybe they're imagining what it'll look like once they work on it! Or maybe they're still trying to decide on the BEST location in the biome they've chosen.
  • #3: Settling in - Draw your phony setting up! Are they digging, building, moving things around, or what else?

Challenger Territories

These territories are a bit trickier to come by. They come from biomes that are overall smaller, and with more dangers involved. Most of the space has already been claimed, so you'll have to challenge someone to claim your land.

  • 3+ prompts, and success is up to RNG. If you fail, you'll have to try again.
  • Buff is an additional double-buffed extra roll to each forage in the biome for each member of the territory.
  • Biomes include: Brine (Click the link to view each biome's defending NPC. More to be added later.)

Challenger Prompts

  • #1: Scouting - Draw your phony scouting where they'd like to live! Have they decided which biome yet, or are they still undecided? Have they found the phony who currently controls the territory?
  • #2: Plotting - Draw your phony planning how to go about winning the territory! Maybe they've already jumped ahead to designing their home? Or maybe they have a detailed plan of attack!
  • #3: The Day - Draw your phony with the NPC you're challenging! Are they duking it out, trying to appeal to their opponent to convince them without violence? Who's winning?

  • Upon submitting these three prompts, your phony will be rolled against the NPC defending their territory. If you lose, you'll have to do the following two prompts:

  • #1 (Redo): Recovery - Draw your phony after the results of their last challenge! How are they doing; mentally? physically?
  • #2 (Redo): Encore - Draw your phony with the NPC you're challenging! Is your phony confident they'll get 'em this time?
  • And if you lose again, you'll have to do these two prompts *again* until you win against the NPC.

Territory Guidelines

So now that you've gone and won glory and a plot of land for your phony, now what? You can go and decorate it!

Each territory won comes with its own background. (See all of them here. Once you win a territory, you may use the biome's background for any member of the territory, as well as phonies each member is schooled with. Just send in a request in the import edits thread.) This will be your canvas for your phony's dwelling. On this background, to start with, you'll draw your phony (or phonies if you're having multiple phonies claim a plot) hanging out there. This part is mandatory for your territory to be official. After that, if you want, you can craft items to embellish it.

The items we offer for furniture are open-ended to allow as much wiggleroom and fun as possible. So you don't have to use our assets, but you can draw your own, and put your own spin on things! We do ask that they stay within the boundaries of the lore, and we'll include stipulations for each item.

Items in territories are one-per-location. If you wanted a cluster of trees, you'd only need to craft one tree. But if you wanted three trees spread out across your territory, you'll need to craft three trees.


You can craft plants you've found on your travels to put in your territory. Recipes include:

  • Patch of Grass: x3 Grassland Plant (Lime Green, Cyan and Yellow)
  • Cluster of Xerophytes: x3 Chaparral Plant (Red)
  • Clump of Marsh Flowers: x3 Wetland Plant (Blue and Purple)
  • Carpet of Groundcover: x3 Tundra Plant (Blue and Red)

Stipulations: Plants must look similar to their item asset art in terms of habit and color. (I.e. Chaparral plants should be red, wetland plants should be purple, grass should be green, so on and so forth.

See more info about plants on their page!

Stone Items

You can never go wrong with some rocks! Recipes include:

  • Boulder: x3 Layered Stone
  • Crystal Outcrop: x3 of any of the following: Flaky stone, Salt Chunk, Sparkly Ore, Deep Red Stone, Aggressively Bright Blue Stone (Mix + Match)
  • Big Meteorite: x3 Meteorite
  • Bleached Reef: x3 Coral Skeleton
  • Skeleton: x3 Bones
  • Cave: x5 Of any stone (Mix + Match)

Stipulations: Do I need to put any here? It's just rocks. That's pretty straightforward.

Phony Civilization Items

For a more "developed" look, how about adding some phonymade stuff?

  • Plaster: x1 Pile of Sand, x1 Pile of Ash, x1 Chunk of Chalk
  • Stoneware Pot: x1 Pile of Ash, x1 Chunk of Chalk
  • Cloth Tent: x1 Bone, x2 Bone Cloth
  • Rugs, Blankets, Drapes or Pillows: x2 Bone Cloth

Stipulations: All of these items start out white. You can use a dye when crafting these items to color them. Plaster may be used to create walls, structures, simple dwellings, fences and the like.

Make A Case!

Want to add something else you're not seeing here? Pitch it to us! These will be approved on a case-by-case basis. We may ask that your item requires other items to craft than what you're pitching, or we may deem the item implausible for a phony to have. We want to keep territories in line with the lore of the game, but we also want you to have fun too, so don't be shy!