Now... what can you do with those items you've collected? Make more stuff with them, of course! You can submit requests to craft your items through the Crafting Journal on the DA group.
Dyes are created using a chunk of salt and one or two plants or stones.
- Blue Dye = Aggressively Bright Blue Stone + Chunk of Salt
- Purple Dye = Wetland Plant + Chunk of Salt
- Pink Dye = Wetland Plant + Chaparral Plant/Tundra Plant/Deep Red Stone + Chunk of Salt
- Red Dye = Chaparral Plant/Tundra Plant/Deep Red Stone + Chunk of Salt
- Orange Dye = Pile of Soil + Chunk of Salt
- Yellow Dye = Grassland Plant + Pile of Soil + Chunk of Salt
- Green Dye = Grassland Plant + Aggressively Bright Blue Stone + Chunk of Salt
- Grey Dye = Pile of Ash + Chunk of Salt
Traditional Confibulan Clothes
Confibulan clothes are traditionally made from bones unraveled into fibers, and woven together into ropes or sheets. If you could imagine, this requires some bones and also pebbles, to pay for the labor of weaving.

- Bone Cloth = Bone + 10 Pebbles
- Jewelry = Bone + Any "stone" item + 10 Pebbles
Bone cloth can be combined with dyes in the approvals center to produce colored clothes. Jewelry can include piercings, necklaces, crowns, bracelets and so on, and can include bits of stone or metal of any color, without needing dye. See more in the Cosmetics section.
Synthetic Clothes
Humans have left behind a lot of junk on Confibula, and some phonies opt to use their detritus as their garb instead. Synthetic clothes are crafted from human junk discovered while foraging, and some bone clothes.

- Synthetic Clothes = Human Junk + 10 Pebbles
Synthetic clothes can be any color and not require dyes. Stuff like wires, tarps, and other junk wearable as accessories. This does not include prosthetics, which are their own item. They can include normal human clothes like shirts, but phonies cannot wear them like a human can. See more about that in the Cosmetics section.
The [crafter npc] is great at working junk into usable tools, as well as good replacements for lost limbs! Using scrapped parts from old spaceships as well as other stuff laying around, you can give your phony a cool robot leg or something.

- Prosthetic Limb = Human Junk + Bone + 30 Pebbles
Prosthetic limbs can be synthetic, like robot legs, or more simple, like pegs or hooks. See more about that in the Cosmetics section. Prosthetic limbs restore 1 of the SPE points detracted when removing a limb from a phony.