This list is nonexhaustive and will grow as the game does.
Trait genes are physical traits which are passed on and inherited.
Normal Traits
Genes which cause added traits onto a phony. Most are dominant.

Wen (We)
Wen is a dominant gene which creates a blobby growth of skin on the phony's head. It can cover part of the head or the whole head. It can be any bank colour or a slightly derived version of any of them. You may also shade the wen to give it a blobby look, but you may not shade anywhere else on the phony. There are no heterozygous or homozygous differences.
- #1 - Wen covering part of the head.
- #2 - Wen covering the entire head.

Nuchal Hump (Hu)
Nuchal hump is a dominant gene which simply adds a rounded growth to your phony's head. It can be in various sizes from a slight bump to an enormous welt, but must act as an extension of the head and have markings applying on the skin applying on the hump as well. There are no differences in the heterozygous or homozygous presentation.
- #1 - A large nuchal hump.
- #2 - A small nuchal hump.

Spikes (Sk)
Spikes is a dominant gene which does what you'd guess it would do: add spikes to the phony. These spikes may be any length, thickness and sharpness, and can be anywhere on the body. Heterozygous spikes cannot be colored without any genes on it but homozygous spikes may have a different color on the tips.
- #1 - Heterozygous spikes.
- #2 - Homozygous spikes creating quills complete with colored tips.

Exoskeleton (Eo)
Exoskeleton is a dominant gene which creates hardened plates on a phony's body. They must be either the base color or a bank color and can be anywhere. This mutation also grants +1 STR to the phony upon its creation. This gene was introduced in the 2022 Halloween event. There are no differences in the heterozygous or homozygous presentation.
- #1 - Exoskeleton covering the face and haunches.
- #2 - Exoskeleton creating plates on the neck and stomach.

Fur (Fr)
Fur... gives your phony fur. It's a dominant gene. The coat can be covering the entire body or select portions of it. The fur can also be a separate color from the base, but it can be the base color too. Up to you. Fur will only grow where the phony has skin and not on the fins unless ray wings is active and replacing the fins with skin. This gene was introduced in the 2022 Halloween event.
- #1 - Fur covering the whole body.
- #2 - Fur covering part of the body, in a different color.

Fantail (Ft)
Fantail is a dominant gene which duplicates the tail. That's all there is to it.
Phonies with fantail must have both tails match in color, shape and size. This gene also gives a small charisma bonus to the phony upon its creation. Fantail cannot give three tails or more without an unpassable bonus.
There are no differences between the heterozygous and homozygous presentation.
- #1 - Fantail.

Ghost (gh)
Ghost is a recessive gene which causes a peculiar optical illusion which makes the feet appear invisible, as if they were fading into nothingness.
It's different than Clear Body, which simply makes the body clear. It can only be applied to the legs or feet, not the rest of the body. This gene was introduced in the 2022 Halloween event.
Since it's recessive, heterozygous ghost (Gh) carries it but doesn't show it. The only version of the gene that is displayed is the homozygous (gh) variant.
- #1 - Ghost, making the legs fade into nothing.

Lure (lu)
Lure is a recessive gene which adds an angler-like growth on the phony's head. The stalk and the lure itself may be different colors, but the lure will glow in whatever color the gene colors used will glow.
This gene was introduced in the november extension of the 2022 Halloween event.
Since it's recessive, heterozygous lure (Lu) carries it but doesn't show it. The only version that is displayed is the homozygous (lu) variant of the gene.
- #1 - Lure.

Bubble Eye (Be)
Bubble Eye is a dominant gene which creates a squishy, bubble-shaped sac beneath the eyes which can be any bank color and any size. You may also shade this bubble to achieve the translucent look, but nowhere else on the phony. There are no differences between the heterozygous and homozygous presentation.
- #1 - Bubble eye with a small bubble.
- #2 - Bubble eye with a larger bubble, though bubbles can be larger than this.

Globe Eye (Ge)
Globe eye is a dominant gene which covers the phony's eye in an iridescent film, obscuring the pupil and helping to reflect extra light for improved vision.
Phonies with this trait gain a small buff to the perception stat upon creation.
There are no differences between homozygous and heterozygous presentation.
- #1 - Globe eye. Globe eye can be shaded to show the iridescence in the eye.

Telescope Eye (Te)
Telescope eye is a dominant gene which enlarges the eyeball and causes it to typically face upwards.
Phonies with this trait receive a small debuff to the perception stat upon creation.
There are no heterozygous/homozygous differences.
- #1 - Telescope eye. Telescope eyes don't need to be facing upwards, they can also point outwards or downwards.

Eyelids (El)
Eyelids is a dominant gene which makes a phony's normally translucent eyelids opaque. That's all there is to it. Tenebris phonies naturally come with this trait. No stat changes.
There are no heterozygous/homozygous differences.
- #1 - Eyelids. I suppose you could draw your ml entry with closed eyes too?
Genes which cause distortions in anatomy. Most are recessive.
If you have a confibulan with Rw, gu, es, ts and pl all at once, you can use the palindrome lines for that breed, which includes all of those mutations in the lineart.

Double Limb (dl)
Double limb is a recessive mutation that does exactly what you'd imagine: It duplicates appendages of a phony not including the head. Limbs can come in pairs or alone, and can appear in different locations. They can be vestigial or functional, and attached to any location on the body as long as it makes sense.
- #1 - A functional pair of legs.
- #2 - A vestigial leg shooting off of an ankle.

Double Head (dh)
Double head is a recessive mutation which duplicates facial features. This may be an eye or an ear, or the entire head. The mutation can also duplicate features multiple times. Want a three-headed phony? A phony with eight eyes? You can do that! Whether or not the duplicated features are functional or not is up to you, they may or may not be.
- #1 - The entire head duplicated.
- #2 - Duplicating only various features: an eye, ear and mouth.

Ray Wings (Rw)
Ray wings is a dominant gene which causes an overgrowth of skin on a phony. This can show itself in a few ways, and the way it does so is up to you. You can replace the fins with skin, add a nudibranch-like "foot" along the sides, add actual stingray wings, a patagium between limbs, a hood, pants, there are many options.
This is one of the mutations that turns a phony into a palindrome if enough are collected. If you have a confibulan with all of the palindrome mutations, you can use the palindrome lines and not need to draw this mutation.
- #1 - Fins replaced with skin.
- #2 - A nudibranch-like skin flap along the sides.

Gulper Mouth (gu)
Gulper mouth is a recessive gene which makes the mouth enormous, taking up most of the face and going further than the eyes.
Phonies with this mutation also get a throat pouch which can inflate and be used to hold items inside.
Since the gene is recessive, it only shows when homozygous. Heterozygous gulper mouth (Gu) only carries the gene and doesn't show it.
This is one of the mutations that turns a phony into a palindrome if enough are collected. If you have a confibulan with all of the palindrome mutations, you can use the palindrome lines and not need to draw this mutation.
- #1 - Gulper mouth.

Palindromic (pl)
Palindromic is a recessive mutation which alters a phony's body symmetry in a way that replaces its rear end with a copy of its front end. The phony ends up with two cloacas on each side, and each head can consume food. Whether or not the two heads are individuals is up to your interpretation.
Phonies with this mutation receive a buff in PER but a debuff in SPE. When importing a phony with this mutation you can either redraw the front half, change the pose slightly or duplicate it verbatim.
This is one of the mutations that turns a phony into a palindrome if enough are collected. If you have a confibulan with all of the palindrome mutations, you can use the palindrome lines and not need to draw this mutation.
Heterozygous palindromic is carried and not shown.
- #1 - A palindromic phony. One end has a different pose than the other.

Tri-Symmetry (Ts)
Tri-symmetry is an incompletely recessive mutation which modifies a phony's entire body plan to make it triradial. The face becomes trifold and fins turn into extra pairs of legs, and countershading is placed on the sides while blanket and other similar markings go to the legs. You can have this mutation apply partially or everywhere.
Ts creates a phony with partial Tri-symmetry, while ts creates a phony with complete Tri-symmetry. Partial Tri-sym characters have one or two of the following alterations, while full Tri-sym characters need all three:
- Tri-Symmetry on the head
- Tri-Symmetry on the body
- Tri-Symmetrical markings
This is one of the mutations that turns a phony into a palindrome if enough are collected. If you have a confibulan with all of the palindrome mutations, you can use the palindrome lines and not need to draw this mutation.
- #1 - Tri-symmetry applying only on the face.
- #2 - Tri-symmetry only applying on the body.
More info can be found about *what* changes with Tri-Symmetry here: Symmetry Rules.
This mutation was changed from only showing when recessively homozygous and carrying when heterozygous, to showing fully when recessively homozygous and showing partially when heterozgous. Old genos can be updated at the geno edits thread to turn carriers into partial showers if desired.

Eyespots (es)
Eyespots reduces a phony's eye to a very small size. This mutation takes away 1 PER to a phony that has it.
I don't know what else to add. It just makes the eyes tiny.
This is one of the mutations that turns a phony into a palindrome if enough are collected. If you have a confibulan with all of the palindrome mutations, you can use the palindrome lines and not need to draw this mutation.
- #1 - Eyespots.

Neck Length (nk)
Neck Length is a recessive mutation which alters the phony's neck length by a significant amount. Phonies used to have free reign over their neck lengths before this mutation was introduced, and is being added retroactively to such phonies. The length of a phony's neck can either be long or short. No stat changes.
- #1 - Neck Length.