Phonies are rarely solitary creatures, and crave friendships. So, phonies may establish groups that can perform better than any of the others can on their own.
These groups are called schools, and must be made of at least two phonies. They can be inter-species, and grow to any size.
To form a school, one must create one or more pieces of art which fulfills the following requirements:
- A uniquely drawn fullbody (Not reused, traced or on a base)
- Colored
- At least simple background
- Including all phonies joining the school
This requirement is per phony. Multiple pieces of art will need to be created to form a school. If you have two phonies and another person has one phony and you'd like the three to become a school, three pieces of art must be created. (Two from you, one from the other person)
Here's an example of schooling art pieces. There's three phonies schooling together, so three pieces are made.

Furvitus (smallest breed) phonies bypass this requirement and can simply school by request. If other phonies in the school are a different breed than this, they'll still need to do the art and include the Furvitus phony.
Once the art is made, head to the official schooling journal and fill out this form.
- ML entry:
- Other ML entries:
- Art:
- Proof of permission: (Only for phonies joining after school formation)
Schooling Center
Phonies may also join established schools. The art requirements are still the same, except all phonies in the group at the time of joining must be included. (So, if anyone else joined before your phony did, they'll need to be included too.) You will also need to obtain permission from the members of the school prior to your joining.
Bonuses and Perks
If a phony decides it's time to break off the group, you can request that too. There isn't any art requirement to leave a school, but if your phony wants to join back or seek out another group, the same art requirements will need to be fulfilled.
If you coordinate your schools, you can get bonuses while rolling loot in foraging. Your rolls will be buffed if your school meets any of these expectations:
- Entire school is the same size/breed
- Each member is one of the different breeds (for schools of five only)
- Every member has a shared color in the same slot
- All members have the same gene
These bonuses stack but only twice. So if you have all members sharing two colours, or a breed and a marking, or a similar marking and colour, you'll get even more bonuses, but if you qualify for any more bonuses you won't gain any more. These bonuses will be dropped if a member joins or leaves which makes the school not meet the requirements.
When encountering other phonies as a school, you get as many rerolls as there are members in the school! So if you had a school with three other phonies in addition to yours, and you went foraging with your phony and encountered an NPC and lost, you get three rerolls.
Specifics on foraging
What happens when a school goes foraging? (This list is available on the foraging page as well) This list is not exhaustive. There's a lot of possible situations at play with schools and we may run into new problems as people play the game, which will require more of these guidelines to be set.
- The party leader (whoever is the first ML linked) and their owner is the one who receives the loot.
- If a breeding slot is won, it goes to the party leader.
- If the party leader loses an encounter, they will get injured and there will be as many rerolls as there are school members. If the supporting members lose the encounter too, _____ (we're still voting on what the outcome should be. tune in soon!)
- If the school encounters an infectious phony, any phony who was required to roll against the NPC will also become infectious. (This may be subject to change, especially depending on the outcome of the vote above is since they're both about debuffs.)