
still a WIP... a big one...

This page is dedicated information about "plants", in terms of anatomy and behavior.

Various species


Confibula, much like Earth, is covered in photosynthetic organisms commonly referred to as plants. Less like Earth, they tend to move around a lot, and can see you.


"Plants" can be found all over the world, with the exception of the polar ice caps, pelagic waters and the saltpan desert.


These organisms are almost completely autotrophic, getting all their energy from sunlight-induced chemical reactions on their leaves. Just like plants! However, they do appreciate nutrient-rich soil and some serve as decomposers.

[insert image - diet]


The body of a "plant" consists of three main parts: the squishy amoeboid body, the scales and the leaves. The amoeboid body works on nutrient absorption in the ground as well as movement, the scales provide protection and the leaves provide sustenance. Inside of the leaves are often active crystals which change color dynamically to alert both the plant itself as well as others to the conditions in the environment. For example, some have pH-sensitive leaves and other have moisture-sensitive leaves, and since the leaf membrane contains salts which are also sensitive to these conditions, everyone can see the colors of the leaves changing quickly in response to it. Many have eyestalks for the purpose of seeing their leaves, or in some cases the environment.


When it's time to reproduce, "plants" release microscopic spores from flower-like structures and pollinate by the wind.

[insert image - reproduction but like... not in a nasty way]


"Plants" have a very simple nervous system and can move around, seek shelter from sun, move towards or away from water, and dig into the ground. When conditions get rough, they can be seen migrating to better places. Different species are adapted for different kinds of behavior. Wetland plants focus their energy into sensing moisture in the ground and moving to not receive too much or too little of it, for example. Some have highly developed eyes and others are blind. Some are quite crafty, and others are sessile.

[insert image - behavior]