Ice Sheets
The very top of Confibula...
This page is all about the Ice Sheet, the polar icecap on Confibula.

We'll get a better picture later, I promise! Only the northern pole of Confibula has a large continental icesheet covering its surface. Here, you can see the ice rings from quite far away. It's very very cold up here, and this biome receives constant day in the summer and night in the winter.
When depicting this biome in art, keep these components in mind:
- Snow and ice. Everywhere.
- Devoid of foliage
- Ice rings close to horizon.
Biome specific loot:

Encounterable NPCs:
- Sear
- Splat
- Eclipse
- Lou
- Argon
- Valentine
- Stardust
- Snow
- Blanc
- Taspeidgo Chaettino
- Atlennev Ilkimpell
- Polar Dust
- Seer (Boss NPC)
Genes from biome egg: Blanket, Countershade, Blushed, Rear, Hood, Saddle, Dorsal, Socks, Stars, Trail, Nuchal Hump, Ray Wings
Colors from biome egg: Nacreous, Sunbeam, Electric, Sky, Fig