This page will guide you through how to color and draw your phony's fins.

Fins are where you can give your phony a lot of personal flair! Here are some guidelines to adhere to:

  • 1. Fins can be any shape.
  • 2. You can even remove a phony's fins if you want!
  • 3. Fins should not appear fleshy or fused to the skin. Unless, of course, you have a phony with Ray Wings. Phonies with fur cannot have the fur on the fins unless they also have Ray Wings.
  • 4. Fin colors have more freedom than other colored areas. You can go a bit lighter or darker or warmer or cooler than the original color you're deriving the fin colors from (it can be any of the bank colors, or the base) but if you're shifting the hue it should not look like another bank color.
  • 5. Fins can have any marking!

[insert cool graphic showing each of these five stipulations]