The Mossy Hills of Confibula...
This page is all about the cordillera regions of Confibula.

Confibula has a distinct lack of mountain regions. In exchange, its cordillera regions, which might not even be able to be called cordilleras at all, are great fields of volcanic rock jutting out in every possible direction, covered in strange, densely packed organisms which superficially resemble moss but under closer inspection are actually enormous microbe colonies. The cordilleras are difficult to pass through because of all the rough uneven terrain, as well as hidden chasms, caves and trenches just waiting to be stepped into.
When depicting this biome in art, keep these components in mind:
- Hilly terrain with plenty of rocky outcrops.
- Entirely covered in low-growing, round foliage.
- Rings can be anywhere in the sky.
Biome specific loot:

Encounterable NPCs:
Genes from biome egg: Blanket, Countershade, Blushed, Rear, Hood, Saddle, Dorsal, Socks, Stars, Trail, Nuchal Hump, Ray Wings
Colors from biome egg: Nacreous, Ochre, Sap, Spruce, Steel, Umber, Cornflower and Olive