This is not an exhaustive list! It's also a big WIP because I'm redoing this page.
Learn about some particularly iconic faces you might see on Confibula! This page is dedicated to the more significant NPCs. There are many encounterable characters out there, and the bulk of those are listed in the biomes page instead of here.

Boogle here is the game's very own mascot! He's a silly little dude who's always eager to explore and make friends with the other critters who inhabit Confibula.
He has a unique ability to show all sorts of marking genes, so any combination of markings he's depicted with are canon. He just needs to have blushed and his lip markings.
Merchant characters
These characters run shops and events in the world of Phonies.

A rather storied fellow, who allegedly inhabited a human ship back when humans were part of the picture in phonies a few generations back. He was abducted and experimented on, then kept by the crew until the ship ended up crashing, leaving him the sole survivor. Or maybe he made that up.
He now lives in his old ship, liquidating its assets in exchange for piles upon piles of pebbles.

The nurse NPC who runs a mobile clinic. They recently purchased the shopkeeper's entire stock of medical supplies, and is now traveling the world in search of injured phonies to patch up.
They have a lot of knowledge about the local terrain of each environment and get to where they want to go very quickly.
Head to the medical center here!

Mr. Stripes
Mr. Stripes is a shade businessphony known to emerge from the depths of the brine each October. He has a love of the fruiting bodies (Gourds) the grow all over the brine this time of year, and has a wealth of strange goods to offer in exchange for them.
He's quite tall, and outrageously long. Has anyone even seen his rear end ever? It just seems to go on and on and on...

The official crafter phony who resides among ruined spaceships, similarly to the Shopkeeper. They've lost their limbs, but found a way to get a hold of some robotic limbs that they use instead. They can crawl around like a spider. The dexterity of their new hands allows them to fashion all sorts of doodads, so in exchange for a few pebbles they'll make something cool out of any junk you give to them.
Flavor characters
These characters cannot be encountered, used nor do they run stores in the game, but they do exist out there!
Tear is a tent who has set themself up as a living hotel. Give them some food and they'll let you stay in the shelter of their hollow body for a while.
Tents feed by drawing in air, but this tent has a great big hole in their side that's made feeding quite tricky so they've had to resort to other strategies to get food.

The Human
Humans used to live on Confibula a long time ago, but now they don't, with the exception of this single human who crashlanded a few years ago. The human has been living alongside a palindrome and can often be found scrapping old spaceships or cutting meat off of carcasses.
Nobody has seen what the human looks like underneath the suit, and most have never seen a human before, so most either assume that it's:
- A) The suit is just the coloration that this weird creature has
- B) The suit is filled up with brine matting. This rumor started when a phony allegedly saw the human bleed red blood. Phonies don't have red blood, but they do know that the brine mat turns water red, so that must be it, right?
Encounterable characters
These characters can be encountered in the wild while exploring. They can be fought or bred with! There are many more encounterables than this, but these are some of the most distinct of the bunch.
You can donate unused/unwanted imports to become encounterable NPCs for the group! See this thread for more info.

Poor Fulsome. He can't seem to shake the respiratory infection that he's got. He's perpetually infectious, and perpetually looking for company.
If you last more than one turn in an encounter with him, your phony will become infectious too!

Each year when the waters of the brine coagulate into fuzzy mats, they always drag up some bones with them. The fibers of the brine matting are known to contract and move like muscles, making it look like these skeletons have been reanimated.
These NPCs can be found alone or in groups. They can't be bred with, but you can fight them whenever they spawn in the brine during the halloween event!