The Brine
The strange living islands of Confibula...
This page is all about the brine.

The brine is a strange biome indeed. Most of it is concentrated in a single area hovering over Confibula's largest trench, and it only exists there in the ocean and in small spots in the saltpan. Here, the water is toxically salty and the only things that live there are red microorganisms which stain the water itself with their population, and strange mutant phonies and palindromes. Between the autumn and vernal equinox, the microbes in the water coagulate into fuzzy masses of goop which float and make the biome traversible. Sometimes, the microbes will grow over animal remains and begin twitching and animating the bones. Freaky!
When depicting this biome in art, keep these components in mind:
- Red water
- Floating islands of red fuzz
- Brighter sun than usual
- Ice rings look narrow in the sky
Biome specific loot:

Encounterable NPCs:
- Something Wicked
- Bone Zone
- Cough Syrup
- Kiegnesse Algeldion
- Alca
- Sashami
- Tato and Toto
- Bugsy
- Bitsy
- Zombies*
Genes from biome egg: Blanket, Countershade, Core, Lateral Stripe, Paint, Scales, Banded, Horizontal Line, Vertical Line, Broken Trail, Kintsugi, Trail, Spikes, Double head, Double limb, Fur*, Exoskeleton*, Gulper Mouth*, Ghost*, Lure*
Colors from biome egg: Cerise, Tyrian, Blush, Nacreous, Sanguine, Peach and Fig
*Only during the annual Halloween Event.