Well, what's the point of all of those genes earlier? To breed your phonies, of course! Once your phony is official you can breed them with others. Here's what you need to do.

Like many other activities here, you need to create a piece of courtship art to breed phonies. One piece is needed per phony, so in most cases this means two art pieces must be created. The art needs to showcase the two breeding parties together, either doing a courtship display for one another, hanging out together, or otherwise enjoying each other's company. Please do not draw your phonies mating! All we need is them chilling out in each other's presence!

The artwork needs to be:

  • Fullbody
  • Colored
  • With a background
  • Including both breeding parties

If both breeding parties are owned by you or one party is an NPC encountered in the wild, you'll need to draw two pieces. If not, both owners will draw one piece. After the art is done, head to the breeding center and fill out the form. Only one form needs to be filled out, so make sure to negotiate who's going to send the comment if you're breeding with someone else's phony.

  • ML entries:
  • Art: (All required pieces)
  • Items being used: (If any)
  • Proof: (For encounter breedings)

Breeding Center

Phonies always create two offspring unless an item is being used to boost this or if only one parent is involved. The two eggs may also end up fusing together to create a chimeric phony who possesses the genotypes of both offspring in one body. (View the mutations page for more info)

When two related phonies breed, they become inbred. This will halve the stats of that phony and give them only one breeding slot. Offspring of inbred phonies will be infertile, and have either halved stats or not depending on if the offspring was bred with a fellow inbred phony or a non-inbred one.


Now, what was that about cloning? Phonies are able to reproduce asexually, because all phonies have both reproductive organs. If you want to clone your phony, only one piece of art needs to be created, and only including the phony who's going to clone itself. Then, you'll receive only one new phony whose genotype is identical to its parent.

For cloned phonies, so as to not violate rule #3 in Character & Property rules, you need to either:

  • Obtain permission from the owner of the phony cloning itself (if that person isn't yourself) to make a duplicate design
  • Create a different design with the genotype

Phony genes are designed to have a variety of ways they can be displayed with different colors, shapes and sizes, and the fins have a lot of freedom so creating differing designs with the same genotype is definitely possible. If you have permission to make a duplicate design, don't just reupload the same image, tweak things a bit!

When a chimera clones itself, you have a choice of what happens. Either:

  • You get a clone of one of the genotypes
  • Or, the phony's two genotypes will be combined. This will create an inbred offspring, though.

A phony by default has five breeding slots. This means you can only breed five times. However, every five levels there is a breeding slot or more, so if you want to keep breeding after this make sure to set up a tracker and draw your phony!